Streaking- New England Style by Phil Barbour

One snowy Sunday, (long, long ago), Jim Martin, Machinist Mate 2, and I were sitting in the Albacore's Barracks having a few drinks with dares and double dares flying about.

It was decided. We took the dare. We would "streak," as it was called then, across the ball field naked, and up to the little white church that stood on a small hill across from our barracks.

With many in our august company cheering us on from the windows, we took off. Running in foot-deep snow that was coming down pretty hard, we were almost at the base of the hill. It was then the church doors opened and out popped the base commander and family.

Many shouts from behind to STOP, and "FILTHY SUB SAILORS" rang out. We ran wide open without a rearward glance. We managed to dodge being caught, and with some fancy footwork to throw off any pursuers, made it back. Sometime later, Marines from the brig went looking for us, but since everyone was dressed, our "bare butts" couldn't be identified.

Albacore Park